Tuesday, 28 July 2015

4 Ways You Unconsciously Set Yourself Up For Failure in Life...

Information they say is power getting to have  little and timely ideas about certain issues would help in overcoming these issues.

Here are 4 things you need to know in order to define the difference between positive affirmations and negative bullsh*t, and how you unknowingly set yourself up to fail.

1. You believe there’s a magic answer for all the problems in your life.
This thing so many of us do, where we bury our heads somewhere and not discuss real life issues that need to be improved upon, is absurd. What we think and how we conduct ourselves impacts ours lives. Is that the universe? Or is it simply cause and effect?
Just because we complain about something or express one or two negative thoughts doesn't mean all will come to fruition. If that were the case, we’d all be bazillionaires with perfect bodies and relationships.
If thoughts had the magic of a genie in a bottle, our enemies would be suffering (unless their wishes were granted first) and our lives would be perfect.

2. You create negative things with negative thinking.
Guilty as charged: I’m guilty of telling my friends and family, “Careful; don’t put that out into the universe.”
My intention isn’t to avoid the negative topic; it’s only to make them aware that thoughts are things, and to not get sucked into a negative abyss.

3. You don’t deal with life; and therefore, you don’t truly live.
Discuss away and then reset. We have to deal with real life. We have to air out the demons of the day to resolve our issues. Your universe, your vessel, needs to let go to move forward and toward success.

4. You don’t listen to the most powerful person in your universe: YOU.
Oh, the mantras: “I’m a love magnet,” “Money comes easily” are great, but without work, drive, and dedication, no money is going to fall from the sky. Without putting yourself out there, love isn't going to come knocking on your front door.
The universe is as powerful as we make it, people! Deal with the real, move up, move on, and stop relying on a power outside of the most powerful being: YOU.

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